
Drawing is merely a technical skill. 

Without creativity, our images remain flat & boring.

They are just a reflection of the world, as is.

An apple, is an apple, is an apple.

But when we add storytelling & design, we begin to communicate deeper truths of the world.

And truly, thoughts are things. Every great drawing & painting was once a inchoate idea in someone’s head. 

Which systematic processes can we use to transform a thought in our brain into a completed work of art on paper?

Main Idea.

The Creative Funnel.

1. Inspiration.

Always say “yes, &.”

2. “Yes &” Map.

Best ideas come later.

Far & wide.

3. Thumbnail.

4. Rework

  • Change the angle.

  • Switch the order.

  • Adjust proportions.

  • Big picture.

  • Invert the mood.

  • Switch the point of view.

  • Zoom in, or zoom out.

  • Change the focal point.

  • Simplify.

  • Merge with another idea.

  • Shift to a different moment of time.

  • Swap the characters.

  • Include the opposite.

  • Change the balance.

  • Break a rule.

  • Think about negative space.

  • Focus on lighting.