
Select a list & purchase online. Or print & purchase in an art store to be ready for your first class!

Supplies For Youth & Adults.

Supplies For Kids 5-7.5

Required Supplies for Youth / Adult.

▸ Necessary for online & in-person class.

Graphite pencils

For drawin’

18x24” Newsprint

For practice sketches.

14x17” Drawing Paper

For finished drawings.

23x24” Clipboard

Necessary for in-studio work & to practice at home.

Hobby knife

For “blade sharpening,” so you may utilize “overhand grip” - the correct way to hold a pencil.

Extra hobby knife blades

A dull blade is more dangerous than a sharp one. Keep a few extra in stock!

Block eraser

To clean up a drawing after it’s completed.


For perspective drawing.

Required Supplies For Kids 5-7.5

Necessary for the Lil’ Doodler’s class

Graphite Crayons

For drawin’

14x17” Newsprint

For practice sketches.

18x19” Clipboard

Necessary for in-studio work & to practice at home.

Bonus Supplies.

▸ Additional Options For The Serious Student.

Rectangular Mechanical Eraser

For greater precision.

Mini Round Mechanical Eraser

An even more precise eraser.

Pencil extender

Save your pencil even when it’s down to the tiniest nub

Drafting table

For a professional drawing experience when practicing at home.

Hand mirror

Change your perspective & spot mistakes.

Sandpaper block

Also necessary in the correct pencil sharpening process. Makes your pencil edge buttery smooth!

Online Class Tech.

Optional Equipment For Online Students.

Lav Mic

Communication is key! A small but mighty upgrade in audio quality. Just clip to your shirt, and enjoy uninhibited art creation.

Swing arm

To show a top down view of your work station over webcam. Lets the professor see your work to give in real time pointers.

Ethernet Cable

For a fast & reliable connection.


For face-to-face connections, and showing off your work in real time.

Ring light

So everyone can see your bright & shining face!

If you’re not yet enrolled, take a class & take your art to the next level.