
Humans are at the heart of illustration. No matter which stories we tell, it almost always involves a creature with a body, two legs, two arms & a head.

But figures are complex things - with legs, hands elbows & more besides.

How can we accurately & reliably draw humans?


The movement of the body may be captured by a single simplified rhythm.

Hands on a clock.

[ Visualization ]

Think about the body & limbs as simple, flat, 2D angles, like hands on a clock. 


[ Process - Sketch ]

Draw this collection of lines first to find the pose of the figure.


[ Concept ]

The size of an object relative to the size of another object.

Halfway Point.

[ Rule of Thumb ] 

The legs are long. On average, the halfway point of the body is at the hips.

Head Unit.

[ Rule of Thumb ] 

The head is small. On average, adult humans are around 8 heads tall.


[ Rule of Thumb ] 

Humans are wider at the shoulders & more narrow at the ankles. Each limb also begins wider & progressively narrows.

Negative Shapes.

[ Visualization ]

Think about the background area of the object as a 2D shape to help you find the positive shapes.